Twogether (1992)
An artist and an environmentalist go through an up and down relationship over the years They get married in an early fling, she gets pregnant as they celebrate their divorce together, they deal with his nude artwork and her tempe
Billy Boy (2017)
When an angry teenager Blake Jenner discovers a close friend has been killed, grief jeopardizes his future and he finds himself engulfed in danger
Blindfire (2020)
Lives are left in pieces after a white cop responds to a hostage call and kills the Black suspect, only to learn he may have been set up facing trial, he must find the person responsible while examining his own accountability
Hospitality (2018)
A woman with a checkered past must protect her son when a man brings trouble to her isolated bed and breakfast
The Frontier (2015)
Decades ago at The Frontier, a diner with 3 motel rooms in the desert on old route 66, a young woman stops and gets work She reads about a murder in Flagstaff and a 2M armored truck heist Is it connected to the people at The Fr
Remember the Sultana (2015)
The Sultana was a river boat that exploded in 1865 killing many passengers, mostly Union Soldiers