Proloy (2013)
The story revolves around a brave heart Barun Biswas, portrayed by Parambrata Chatterjee, who raised voice against numerous gang rapes in a village called Dukhiya Dukhiya, where gang rapes had become a festival These were celebr
Alinagarer Golokdhadha (2018)
Watch drama, danger, and a murder unfold as many forces race against time to find a treasure that shall make them invincible in this intriguing treasure hunt with clues hidden in the iconic pages of Indian history
Beline (2024)
An old, single man leads a retired and lonely life but enjoys it as much as possible Everything changes when he receives a wrong number phone call, creating a window into the lives of a girl and her live in partner
Pradhan (2023)
Challenges become manifold when Deepak Pradhan, a young police officer gets transferred to Dharmapur A story of human fight for love, dignity, principles and honesty