Tokyo Tribe (2014)
In an alternate Japan, territorial street gangs form opposing factions collectively known as the Tokyo Tribes Merra, leader of the Wu Ronz tribe of Bukuro crosses the line to conquer all of Tokyo The war begins
BraveStorm (2017)
This remake of the 1970s TV series Silver Mask and Super Robot Red Baron pits two families one with an armored bionic superhero, and the other a red giant robot against evil aliens to save Earth and prevent the extinction of
The Violence Action (2022)
A young girl leads a double life as an assassin for hire
Riaru onigokko (2008)
Teenager is transported to a parallel world where everyone who shares his family name is being hunted down by the dictatorial government
Laughing Under the Clouds: Gaiden Part 1 & 2 (2018)
In the years after the imperial restoration in central Japan a forceful snake, which rears its head once every 300 years, is about to rise again The snake shall herald calamity and catastrophe The three successors to the local s