Storyline: Making It (2018) (originally titled The Handmade Project) is an American reality competition series, co-hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman. The series premiered on July 31, 2018 on NBC. The show features craftspeople skilled in different mediums competing to be named the Master Maker and win $100,000. Each week, competitors make two handmade projects--a Faster Craft and a Master Craft. The winner of each challenge earns a patch. For the Faster Craft, makers have three hours to create an item. For the Master Craft, they have a longer time to create a more elaborate themed collection. At the end of every episode, one person is sent home based on their performance in the Master Craft. The best makers from around the country take on a series of handmade projects they must complete in their own unique way. As the competition goes on, the challenges become increasingly difficult, and the least successful maker is eliminated each week. The show culminates in a final craft-off between the last two makers. Taking place in a serene outdoor setting, the positivity, character and camaraderie of handmade culture shines through as the comedic hosts and judges provide encouragement, guidance and lots of laughs.
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