Storyline: The Red Road (2014 2015) Revolves around a local cop struggling to keep his family together while simultaneously policing two clashing communities: the small town where he grew up and the neighboring mountains, home of a Native American tribe. After a terrible tragedy and coverup occurs involving the cop's wife, an unholy alliance is forged between the cop and Phillip Kopus, a dangerous member of the tribe that will come back to haunt all involved. The disappearance of a college student from a small town in New Jersey begins a series of events that forever changes the life of town Sheriff Harold Jensen. The investigation takes the officer into the neighboring mountains, where a federally unrecognized Native American tribe makes its home. Jensen eventually comes into contact with dangerous ex-con and tribe member Phillip Kopus, whose return to the college town raises suspicions and threatens to disrupt the peace. After a tragedy and cover-up further divides the town and the tribe, Kopus takes advantage, forcing Jensen to compromise his principles or risk destroying his family.
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